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The waitress happens to be Cheney’s daughter, and the owner says her choice of words were her own.īut it’s what happened next that makes the story interesting. “And that’s when she said to us… ‘to put it plainly, we don’t serve fags here.'” “And so I laughed and I asked what do you mean?” says Dewberry.

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“She told them the rules are on the door and it says ‘Welcome to Big Earl’s where men act like men, women act like ladies, no saggy pants and we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.'” “After I paid, her countenance seemed to change drastically,” said Dewberry.īig Earl Cheney, the owner, explains what happened next. He says everything seemed to be going fine until they paid their check and were approached by their waitress on the way out. So Collin Dewberry and his partner Kelley decided to have breakfast there. In the town of Pittsburg, Texas, Big Earl’s Bait House and Country Store is an institution. At least, if the treatment of Collin Dewberry and Kelley Williams-a gay couple who visited the town-by the staff of Big Earl’s Bait House and Country Store is any indication, it’s not. It’s probably not easy being gay in a place like Pittsburg, Texas.

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